Are you trying to lose weight for something important in your life? A wedding, vacation, or to prepare for upcoming pregnancy? For me personally, it's the last two. I'm hoping we can try having our first child next year, as well as go on a cruise. I have never been on a cruise, but I'm certain I want to lose some of this weight before I get in a swimsuit in front of a bunch of strangers. I recently purchased a Fitbit to help me reach my goal, but have also looked for other help in achieving my goal. I am not into weight loss pills, but I have no problem with natural, herbal supplements.
One company that got my attention recently was Genesis Today when I tried their Skinny Coffee. Recently, I discovered another group of products made by Genesis Today – Pure Health. Wanting to learn more, I talked to my contact at Genesis Today, where I was able to try for free three of their brand new products, designed specially to help women be healthier! Since I'm all about being healthy, I couldn't wait to get started!
Pure Health: Who Are They
Like me, you likely had never heard of Pure Health before this review. Their main focus is to give people access to high quality products with no additives or fillers at an affordable price. In their opinion, everyone should have access to healthy supplements. They are also quite proud of the fact that their ingredients are purchased straight from farmers, supporting smaller growers and making sure the ingredients stay as pure as possible from start to end. By doing this, they can also guarantee that the farmers use no herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, larvicides, carcinogens, toxins, or other chemicals on the plants. Since they cut out the middleman, they are able to offer their products cheaper than their competition, giving people like you and me easier access to supplements made with organic ingredients!
Pure Health: Nature's Green Lean Tea
As someone who loves green tea, I couldn't wait to try Pure Health's Nature's Green & Lean Tea. This tea contains not only green tea, but green coffee, both of which have been shown in multiple studies to assist with healthy weight loss. While I'm not sure if I attribute my current weight loss to this tea, I can say that it tastes great. I drink this tea straight or with a little bit of Nectresse as a treat during the day. Unlike other teas that are supposed to assist with weight loss, this tea actually tastes good, with a slight hint of ginger, cinnamon, and anise star. Even though there are only 30 bags in the tin, I have found that each bag can be used two to three times, allowing you to get the most bang for your buck with this product.
Pure Health: Sleep Sweetly
This was one supplement I couldn't wait to try. I regularly have problem sleeping at night, a mix between our new puppy Reya and stress. Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that Sleep Sweetly is not a sleep supplement or sleeping pill, but something to help you relax for bedtime. It contains all natural ingredients like lemon balm that have been used for centuries to help with relaxation. I found that when I remembered to take the supplement, it did help my relax and get to sleep faster. For someone with an anxiety disorder like me, it really seemed to help!
Pure Health Appetite Suppress
To me, one of the worst parts of losing weight is getting your body used to takign in less food. I had never taken an appetite suppressant before this review, so I was a bit nervous. To first try it out, I started taking Pure Health's Appetite Suppress the week after I started my diet. So far, I have to say it is very effective for anyone starting a diet. The glucomannan and konjac plant (this is used in Japanese cooking) really help you feel full. After a week and half on this supplement, I stopped taking it to see if it was still necessary. Sure enough, it helped deal with the cravings and I was able to adjust to less food faster than unusual. While this isn't a supplement I would take often, it is great for anytime I need to get back on track when it comes to healthy eating!
Pure Health: Overall
Based on my own experience with Pure Health, I have to say I was pretty impressed. While these aren't miracle pills, they do a great job getting you on a schedule and helping reduce calories in your life. As well, they were enjoyable to take, especially the tea, even without any sweeteners. Due to their low cost and my positive experience with their effectiveness, I give Pure Health's supplements an A rating.
Pure Health: Where to Buy
Want to know where you can purchase Pure Health products? They can be purchased at the Pure Health website or at your local Wal-Mart. Best of all, almost all of their products are $10 – $20 a piece, allowing nearly anyone to have access to healthy, all natural supplements. If you are concerned about synthetic medicines or supplements, I recommend giving Pure Health a try!
Disclosure: Budget Earth did not receive compensation for this review but did receive free products for review purposes via Pure Health . All opinions on this product are my own and may differ from our readers' opinions.
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I believe letting the body do what its supposed to do is good!!
I am so excited to learn about these products, especially the Sleep Sweetly. I have a really hard time relaxing at night, no matter how tired I am. I have been reluctant to take anything, but Sleep Sweetly sounds safe, yet effective. I am really impressed with the price of these products, also.
I love that they are so cheap and widely available. I have a hard time sleeping too and tried sleep aids in the past. They made me feel worse than taking nothing at all! This one is one of the few that actually worked for me!
I belive in supplements that will have no adverse side effects. I don't like ones that cause diarhea.
I would love to try the Sleep Sweetly! I have a hard time falling asleep sometimes and/or don't feel like I get good sleep througout the night. I hate taking something like Tylenol PM when I don't need pain relief, just help sleeping. The fact that Sleep Sweetly is natrual is a huge bonus too!
i usually like to use natural items instead of dr medications i like to know what im putting in my body is good for me i would love to try the pure health appetite supress
I love the fact that these are natural. There are way too many products that aren't and at my age I want what I put in my body to be as pure as possible.
I love healthy supplements and I would love to try the Natures green lean tea because I love green tea and drink it all the time. I would really love to win this box. I have just started my adventure with Natural Supplements and still looking for products that I like.
It's good to have a goal in mind when trying to lose weight or make any changes – a realistic goal. Then, you come up with a plan and some items to help. Sounds like they have several easy and safe products to help you achieve your goals. Good to have something to look forward to to keep you motivated. I hope next year brings an amazing cruise for you! 🙂
Love green tea as helps to keep the coffee oin control and keep your body well. Pure Health: Sleep Sweetly sound like a good natural way to help the nights you can not sleep
Great review Susan! Fantastic information, and some really good products to help achieve your goals! Thanks for the post!
I have tried regular diet pills and walked for 1 mile 2 times a day! This did work till now I am older like 10 years older and it is harder for me to loose the weight. I am now trying anything cause we too are going on Vacation to california and I would love to loose some weight cause I do want to swim in the ocean once in my life, and I do not want to scare off the bigger fish let alone the people.
These products are great because there are no pesticides and the company have control over the producte they use. I could really use the appetite supress and the sleep sweetly. I am impressed by this company.
I would love to try these as I have a hard time sleeping and wake up in pain a lot. I have MS and seizures and taking natural things versus medications that aren't isa plus for me
I love iced green tea. I also need something to help me sleep at nite. I have trouble sleeping. My mind keep racing about all the stuff I have to do. But I don't want any thing that is not natural.
You're correct, before reading this review I never heard of Pure Health. After reading the review I think the Pure Health: Nature's Green Lean Tea would be perfect for me bacause I drink green tea every day.
I have not heard of Pure Health until the review and giveaway of the products listed above. I would really like to try Pure Health: Nature's Green Lean Tea b/c I love green tea anyway, and losing some added pounds is always a bonus. The fact that these are all-nautral products only make them more attractive as an overall dietary supplement.
i am trying to lose weight after having my baby. i am breast feeding right now so i would have to wait until i was done. would love to try anything to help in aiding my goal
I am especially interested in the sleep lightly, I too have problems sleeping and it would be good to take something natural instead of Ambien.
I drink green tea everyday and I would bery much like to try the Pure Health: Nature's Green Lean Tea. I do have to check if it has caffiene because I am not allowed to have any per my doctor. Thanks for the great review.
I would love to try the Sleep Sweetly to relax before bed time. Like many people, I have a hard time turning my brain off when I get under the covers. All it takes is one little thought & before you know it, I'm trying to solve world hunger & cancer before I close my eyes!
I will try anything natural if I can avoid prescriptions – and Pure Health's stuff looks like it is quality and well-priced. Woudl love to try some of that Sleep Sweetly!
I want to support companies that not only buy from small farms, but farms that refuse to use herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, larvicides, carcinogens, toxins, or other chemicals on the plants. Add to that a company that wants to make their products affordable & I will spread the word. Thank you Pure Health for all that you are doing to help us get healthy.
Thanks for the informative review, there's so many supplements out there it's hard to make good choices.
I would love to try these products. I don't like to try new things unless I get them cheap or free because money is so tight and I don't like to waste if they are not good. These sound like they are.
I'd love to give these a try. I'm always looking for something new.
I could use the sleep pill for nightime. I am a little skiddish about taking pills for weight loss but from your review I would try it.
I could use Sleep Sweetly! I have had trouble sleeping for the last year. This product sounds ideal. Thank you for the review!
Im 44yrs old and for the past 3yrs i have been having alot of trouble sleeping through the night. Im usually up 4 to 5 times per nightand i dont like going to the
I would love to give this "Sleep Sweetly" a try since its all natural.
Wondering how more natural products in my life would make a difference.
I am a lover of tea so I know I would enjoy drinking the Pure Health Natures Green Lean Tea. I also have time with falling to sleep and anything to assist me with this naturally is what I want.
These supplements look very helpful. Thanks for the interesting and informative review!
These products sound amazing. I've been trying to lose weight for yrs.I'm going through menopause and my energy is gone. I had cancer 2 yrs ago and I'm left with neuropathy which causes numbness in my feet and lots of pain in my legs. Exercising is out of the question. I think the appitite suppress will help me a lot. I sleep ok but take meds to help. This is something I'd really be interested in. Great review 🙂
I have been drinking the Green & Lean Tea for 6 months. I always drink Green Tea so this was a nice change with the Cinnamon, Ginger, and Anise Star. I look forward to every sip . . . so much so that I fill a 32 oz bottle of water and put in a bag . . . you don't need to use hot water to get the pleasant flavor. I am not using it for weight loss, just as a wonderful refreshment. Good blog and thank you. It is welcoming in this freezing weather with added warmth and a wonderful aroma.