How often do you deal with pet smells in your home? As many of you know, Ivi and Rylie (our Alaskan Malamutes) are indoor dogs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy getting into trouble. I cannot tell you how many times over the years I have chased our dogs out of the trash, getting into all sort of smelly situations. While mud and trash are, of course, our biggest concerns, the worst smells have to be urine accidents. Even though the girls are completely potty trained, they both still sometimes have accidents once in a while.
Even though cleaning up accidents is relatively easy with our vinyl flooring (a big reason we went for it!), we do have decorative rugs in a few rooms of our house. As any dog owner will tell you, getting up dog urine is extremely challenging. Part of the challenge is that while we can no longer smell the urine, it still smells strongly to dogs, giving the signal to them that it is an appropriate place to relieve themselves. Part of the problem is that most urine removing pet cleaners just cover up the smell with perfumes, covering up the problem to us, but not really solving it at all. This is why it is so important that pet owners have a true pet odor eliminator in their arsenal of cleaners. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done since nearly every odor eliminator I have tried over the years didn’t work, ending up with us eventually just pulling up the carpet in most of our house. Some of these products are even a bit scary if you read the directions, containing chemicals that are toxic if breathed for long periods of time (yikes). Just imagine how that has to be for dogs with their sensitive noses?
Recently though, we found the perfect solution for cleaning up nasty pet urine smells – OdorKlenz. What makes OdorKlenz so unique compared to other products on the market is that it is formulated to eliminate pet smells by relying on natural minerals. In other words, it never contains perfume, dyes, harsh chemicals, masking agents, enzymes, or baking soda (a temporary, imperfect solution for pet odors). Best of all, it uses natural minerals that are completely safe for humans and pets, allowing you to rest easy knowing that you aren’t possibly adding something harmful for yourself or your family in your home environment. As well, it is also completely safe for carpet and fabrics, to make it that much easier and worry-free to clean up any pet urine mess throughout your home!
So, why is it so important you use a pet odor eliminator like OdorKlenz? If you don’t completely remove both the immediate odor and the bacteria/hormone causes behind the smell, pets will keep coming back to that spot over and over when they are going to have accidents – after all, from their point of view it already smells like a bathroom! However, if the mess is cleaned up and descented properly with a cleaner like the OdorKlenz Pet Urine Eliminator, you are protecting the longevity of your carpet and preventing future messes. Pretty amazing or what?
With how well OdorKlenz Pet Urine Eliminator works, don’t forget that they have a full line of products, including their Pet Shampoo. Rylie is notorious for getting into things she shouldn’t, and it is always a tell-tale sign with how she smells, leading to quite a few more baths than her sister. Since OdorKlenz’s Pet Shampoo’s patented formula eliminates smells while also leaving your dogs coat feeling soft and amazing. Best of all, it even eliminates wet dog smell. While it doesn’t help get rid of the anxiety of bath time or the post-bathtime zoomies, it does lead to a wonderful smelling pup!
Want to learn more about OdorKlenz and their line of products? Make sure to head over to OdorKlenz today to see why we like using their products in our own home! Ready to see for yourself? Today, you can get 15% off these products on the OdorKlenz website using discount code – BE15!
We adopted a puppy about a month ago. I am going to check out OdorKlenz Pet Urine Eliminator.
This is good to know. I definitely want to use OdorKlenz for when I get a dog, and especially as I’m hoping to get a puppy!!! Excellent information!
I have 3 older animals in my house. This has been a big problem. Good item to try.
kind of helpful for cat owners too! My cat used to spray some specific area.
I remember visiting a friend’s home once and the smell of dog urine just about knocked me over. She was having trouble getting the dogs not to pee indoors. I suspect the issue was, like you said, the dogs thought it was appropriate to go there because even when she cleaned it, they still smelled it.
I would like to try the OdorKlenz Pet Urine Eliminator. I’m interested in the pet shampoo for my dogs, as well.
Nice tips , thanks , will be useful
This was just what I needed! We have one dog who is potty trained, but he frequently will get back at us by using the carpet. Nothing we have tried has worked so far.
I have used this for my older cats when they have had accidents and it does work. It doesn’t have a chemical smell which I like.
How did the company decide on the natural minerals? Just curious what led them to that path. Thanks for suggesting another option for dog moms!
There have been times I could use this product. My own dog doesn’t pee on the floor but I’ve had it happen when I’ve been dog sitting.
It sounds great and our new puppy is struggling with the training. He does go back to the same place no matter what I use, so this could be the answer.
I will have to pass this info along to my brother and mom. Each of them have a cat and I’ve heard they are the hardest to clean after if they have an accident. I don’t know much about cleaning up after pets, but I do have a lot of experience cleaning up accidents by little humans. It’s probably not that different.
I need it bad my cat’s a few of them like to pee on stuff .
Must be one of the worst smells. I always have to get my carpets cleaned every few months
Thank you for these tips! I have two puppies and they are always urinating on our carpets and wood floor. The urine smells and stains got so bad that I had to have a local carpet cleaner come and fix it. They did a great job, but I just moved into a new place and I’m determined to keep the carpet free from their accidents. After reading your post, I’m starting to believe it’s possible. I’m always going to keep OdorKlenz on hand from now on!