This policy is valid from January 1, 2024
I will be honest with you, Daniel and I are not very good at all this legal stuff. I am an opinionated writer who loves blogging and sharing what I have learned with others. Just like an apple a day keep the doctors away, a disclosure agreement keeps the lawyers away! For your protection and ours, the FTC asks bloggers to write a disclosure agreement to make sure we all stay on the up and up. This makes sure both of our first amendment rights are protected and that you know what content to expect on our blogs.
Budget Earth is a blog designed to tell you how to live a healthier lifestyle that is not only good for you, but the planet as you try living on a budget. All the posts and pages of this blog are a collaboration of bloggers. All the writers who write these post are giving their honest opinion which may be influenced by personal biases, religion, age, gender, and outside influences.
While writers may be monetarily compensated for their time, they are not receiving money for their opinion or receiving items for free for review. All the items that are being reviewed have been purchased by us or the individual writing the review. The opinions in this post are strictly the opinions of the writer. If at some date we do receive free items for review, this will be stated in the blog post. Just because we receive an item for free, however, does not mean this will influence our review and we WILL give bad reviews for bad products, no matter how it was received. We believe in full honesty and disclosure.
Susan Bewley, who owns this blog, does receive compensation from ads on this site and affiliate links. This money is used to pay hosting costs, server costs, purchasing products for review, and paying our writers. While we try keeping it limited to obvious ads, links have the potential of being affiliate links. As stated above, compensation will never influence the content of this site or the opinion of the writers. It just keeps us going as a family and allows us to keep bringing you amazing content.
Some of the Affiliate Program/Ad Programs we receive compensation from include:
- Amazon Affiliate
- Share A Sale
- Commission Junction
- Kuranda Beds
- Night Owl Paper Goods
- Awin
- Etsy
“Budget Earth, a site owned by Susan Bewley, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”
I guess that is all the legal mumbo jumbo for now. If you have any questions or concerns about our disclosure agreement, feel free to contact us.
– Daniel & Susan Bewley
Writers for Bewley Consulting