Looking for a delicious vegetarian recipe? Check out our vegetarian friendly French onion soup recipe – Apple Cider French Onion Soup!
Vegetarian Recipes
Fall Chowder Recipe
Homemade Buttermilk Pancake Recipe
Homemade Honey Lime Dressing
Vegetarian Recipes: Colorful Caribbean Salad
For the past few days, I have been having a bad craving for a salad. My husband, most of the time, isn't that much of a salad fan, since he eats them at work when I don't pack him a lunch of healthy leftovers. I was actually quite surprised when I found that most people don't eat salads, since I grew up having them at least once a week for dinner, and typically ate them when I was living with friends as a single lady. To me, a good vegetarian salad recipe meant a night of