This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Orkin Ecologist. All opinions are 100% mine.
Unlike most women, I don't really care too much about bugs. Maybe it was growing up with three older brothers and a neighborhood of boys, but I understood early on that bugs have their place in the world. Don't get me wrong, I still think bugs should remember their place is outside my home, unless I invite them inside to be a yummy meal for our bearded dragons. At that point, all is fair in love and war, right? While my husband and I may be indifferent to bugs and curious enough to read about them, we know other members of our family aren't, especially those with arachnophobia (fear of spiders). In all honesty, I didn't even know there were different bug phobias until I read an article on the top 10 bug phobias on the Orkin Ecologist.
For example, did you know there are people who are terrified of worms (scoleciphobia) or ants (myrmecophobia)? Throughout their top 10 bug phobias article, they go through the different phobias and give you little interesting facts about them. For example, arachnophobia isn't just a common bug photobia, but tops most phobia lists. While I'm not sure if I suffer from any phobias myself that are on this list, I know I do have a bit of a hatred for wasps and certain types of poisonous spiders. Like every woman, I have had my encounters with large spiders that ended in their untimely demise by the sole of my shoe, or my commonly, by a book falling on the poor defenseless creature.
In all honesty, when I was reading the article, I couldn't help but think of my brother-in-law's old pet – Black Arachnia. If there was any one bug that give me a 'bug out' moment, it was that spider. Nothing is 'better' than being introduced to a black widow spider, spinning a web happily in her own little plastic habitat. This not so little spider was found in his research office at his old college, and until its death a few months ago, was one of his prized pets. While it was his baby, I was always TERRIFIED of this spider, especially when I found out it had eggs regularly (with one of her clutches hatching). If I was ever to develop arachnophobia, it was during that spider's lifespan!
I have to admit though, it is nice having an easy to use resource for learning about bugs and how they could very well be affecting your own life. After discovering it, I love exploring The Ecologist since it really is a treasure trove of information, all of which was collecting by bug scientists and researchers who work for Orkin. Not only can you learn about annoying pests and dangerous bugs, but can find interesting articles like the top 10 bug phobias listed above. If you love learning about nature or love science, I highly recommend checking out Orkin's Ecologist site! Just don't be surprised if you lose hours reading different articles on their site! Also, don't forget to check out their Facebook & Pinterest accounts to learn more interesting fact about bugs!
Do you have any phobias of bugs? If so, what was your most unnerving 'bug out' moment?
i love your thoughts on this, especially because i hate bugs!
I never knew there was a word for being scrared of worms or ants – learn something new every day. I freak out if a fly lands on me. I am terrified of bugs, of any shape or form. They are just not for me.
I really dislike bugs, I think because they look scary. I swear as soon as i looked at your pictures of them I just got the chills(heeby jebbies). Its nice to know there is a word for being scared of them.
Spiders are the only thing I'm afriad of. Bugs, rodents, snakes, bring them on, but spiders freak me out.
I'm not a fan of bugs, but especially hate spiders!
I had a black widow in my laundry once here at the house. I didn't do laundry for days. EEeek!
When I was younger, I carried a paper route. One of my customers had small pine trees that flanked her sidewalk. Because she was older, she always wanted her newspaper placed on her porch, which meant I had to walk through the pines. One day, as I was walking up her sidewalk, I looked up and there was a (in my memory) giant wolf spider mere inches from the top of my head. IT FREAKED ME OUT!
That article gave me the shudders! I'm not overly scared of bugs except for cave crickets – those things are scary!
PLEASE! Don't ever put a picture of a spider on your blog again! I am SO afraid of spiders, I got the willies just reading and then seeing your pic! Great article, though…
I’m sorry, MD! This sponsor asked for our scariest bug experience! I think we can both agree spiders need to stay outside!
I really hate bugs! Every time I see one I freeze up and start screaming and crying. I don't really know where this came from considering I played with bugs when I was a kid and never had anything with bugs tramatic happen.
I hate bugs, especially the ones pictured.
I don't like any bugs. Well, ladybugs are okay. They just freak me out.
Bugs don’t both me so much…I don’t want them crawling on me though for sure. A spider in a web is fascinating to me actually.