Does your dog like bath time? While we try making bath time fun, it doesn’t mean our girls like it, especially when they would rather be playing outside or playing bitey-face throughout the house. Unfortunately, bath time is one of those things that isn’t optional. Of course, this also means that mom or dad needs a bath when we are all finished since we end up soaked, covered in shampoo, and usually fur as well. Our girls only make bath time easy if someone is sick, and if we are bathing both girls, we know to schedule about two or three hours for the whole affair. Wouldn’t it be great if dog owners had a better, faster, and more eco-friendly way to bath their dogs? Well, while we were at BlogPaws, we saw the perfect solution – the Bissell BarkBath! After seeing it tested at the conference, we were delighted when we were asked to review a complimentary BarkBath ourselves to share with you!
Bissell BarkBath: What is It?
Are you looking for a cost effective, easy way to bath your dog just about anywhere? If so, we think you will love the Bissell BarkBath! This portable bathing system uses specially designed nozzles to get beneath the fur and down to the skin to allow water and shampoo to wash the skin clean. As it cleans, the machine’s soft suction pulls dirt and water away into a separate water tank, leaving your dog fresh, clean, and closer to dry than any other bath! Best of all, it works with both short and long fur, allowing you to use this system, along with its no-rinse shampoo formula to leave your pup fresh and clean! As well, it is more eco-friendly and cost effective, since it uses only 40 oz of water to clean an 90lb dog (saving up to 19 gallons of water on that same dog in a normal tub/shower bath).
Want to see this system in action? Watch the video below to see the Bissell BarkBath for yourself!
Bissell BarkBath: In the Box
- Bissell BarkBath Portable Dog Bathing Unit
- 16 oz Bottle of Bissell No Rinse Shampoo – Fresh & Clean with Mulberry Scent
- Microfiber Mat for Bath Unit
- Microfiber Cloth for Face & Paws
- Manual
Bissell BarkBath: Our Thoughts
So, what do we think of the new Bissell BarkBath? As a dog owner with two dogs that don’t love taking baths, I have to say that this portable dog bath system is a true godsend for dog owners. While the noise is a bit intimidating at first, the girls quickly learned it was a fun experience with some positive reinforcement training (treats while sitting next to the unit). After we relaxed for a few moments, we got to work bathing. The system was super easy to use, so easy that Rylie couldn’t believe it was actually doing anything until she started parting her fur with her noise to smell the shampoo. It was completely soaking through to her undercoat too, which was had been a worry to my husband and myself before we started. Since her bath was for nothing more than ‘doggy smell’, we really didn’t have any dirty water or anything gross to really show off, just a happy, fresh smelling dog. Clean up was also super easy since all it required afterwards was a quick towel dry with only one towel (no joke, that never happens!) and she could then go about playing. Normally she is so wet from a bath that we have to have at least a half hour of crate time with three or four towels, unless we want the entire house soaked. Overall, I was impressed with the amount of water saved and the overall ease of use of the BarkBath. Best of all, the girls seemed to think it was a lot less stressful, making it a major plus to these dog parents! Honestly, I now can’t imagine putting the girls in the tub unless they are truly filthy or need a good conditioning after blowing coat. With the Bissell BarkBath, most of our bath times just became a whole lot easier!
Bissell BarkBath: Where to Purchase?
Would you like this awesome, portable dog bathing system for your own dogs? You can find the Bissell BarkBath on the Bissell website, or for only $149.99!
Want to see other cool Bissell products? Check them out on social media!
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This is the first time I’ve ever heard of anything like this. It is a novel idea, and I love it. Nice option for many reasons you and your dog could prefer this.
This looks so much easier than the usual trying to get them in the tub or outside in the kiddie pool. Plus less stress for the dogs.
I’m sorry! I thought Rylie was a boy dog. My apologies Rylie.
I didn’t even know that Bissell made some products for dogs! Nice to know! The BarkBath is an exceptional tool for giving dogs their baths! It’s a win – win for us and our furry friends! They get the bath not us. Plus Rylie looked like she was getting pampered at a spa when she had her bath. A girl likes to be clean. I pinned this awesome product to my Furry Friends board. Thanks for sharing!
I was shocked when my husband actually ordered one during their Kickstarter. We got it for over 40% off. I haven’t had the chance to try it out – yet. For one thing, my Kenji likes to bark at the vacuum cleaner, and since this has the same type of sound, I’ve been just turning it on by him at various times to try to get him used to the sound.
Ivi is scared of the vacuum too and needed a bit more adjusting. We started positive reinforcement training before even trying to use it. Rylie is a bit more chill and actually chases the vacuum. lol
WE could so use one of these for the dog rescue operation, I’ve got 3 fosters right now plus my dog!
This is amazing! I could definitely see how this would be an extremely helpful product to have in your home when you have a dog or dogs! I think if you started them as puppies they would get used to it pretty fast. 🙂 I really want to get one now! Thanks for sharing!
I’m sold! My dog hates to get bathed and I hate trying anymore. Talk about making life easier, this sure will. I am getting one of these soon.
What a great invention! I can see how helpful it would be.
This is awesome. I have never heard of this before. This would be really great for large dogs. So much easier and less mess. Thank you so much for sharing
Amazing! What a great idea for a dog bath. I have 3 dogs that would love this. They love to play outdoors and right now during the hottest time of year they can get quite smelly. This would be perfect for them.
This is quite the cleaner! I appreciate this opportunity to clean the better way. The reveiw is most excellent.
This is really cool! I like the Bissell Bark bath and did not even know that this was an option. I like how easy it is to use and that your dog did not have a problem with it. I would love one of these for my dog!
I wish I had had one when we had our last dog. He hated baths, lol. When I let him go, he immediately ran to his ‘dirt patch’ in the yard & rolled on his back & wiggled like mad in the dirt, lolol.
This will help my sister bath her dog. I am telling her about this.
This would have been amazing to have with my german shepherd! She loved baths when she was little, but hated them as an adult. lol I will have to remember this when we get another doggie!
I have never heard of anything like this before but it looks and seems to preform amazingly! I saw some hula-hoop type things that you attach to a outdoor house and thought my dog would never sit still for that and the water pressure isn’t that great but looking at this all I can think is wow! She would probably lay down and sleep through bathtime!!
Great idea! Only problem would be noise. any time I turn on avacuum any dog or cat that I ever owned ran like heck!
What a great invention. I will definitely tell my dog owner friends about this product.